Forms of Information : Digital, Analog and Binary Information

Hello Friends, In this post we are going to share with you forms of information. In which complete information about the three basic forms of information has been provided. In our previous post we have shared about the difference between data and information, you can also read this post.

Forms of Information


Forms of Information

In case of computers we can say that Information is made into data, put into the computer where it is stored and processed as data, and then put out as data in some form that can be perceived as information. It can has following several forms.

Digital Information

Digital data describes electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes information in terms of 2 state : positive and non-positive. Positive is expressed or me number 1 and non-positive by the number 0. Thus, data transmitted number 0. Thus, data transmitted or stored with digital technology is expressed as a string of O’s and 1’s. Each of these state digits is referred to as a binary digit.

Prior to digital technology, electronic transmission was limited to analog conveys data as electronic signals of varying frequency or amplitude that are waves of a given frequency. Broadcast and phone transmission has conventions technology.

Digital technology is primarily used with new physical communications m satellite and fiber optic transmission. A modem is used to convert the digital your computer to analog signals for your phone line and to convert analog phone signal to digital information for your computer.

Analog Information

Analog technology refers to electronic transmission accomplished by adding signals of varying frequency or amplitude to carrier waves of a given frequency of alternating electromagnetic current. Broadcast and phone transmissions have conventionally used analog technology.

Analog is usually represented as a series of sine waves. The term originated because the modulation of the carrier wave is analogous to the fluctuations of the voice itself.

A modem is used to convert the digital information in your computer to analog signals for your phone line and to convert analog phone signals to digital information for your computer. 

Binary Information

The term binary refers to a numbering scheme in which there are only two possible values for each digit : 0 and 1. The term also refers to any digital encoding/decoding system in which there are exactly two possible states. Examples are ASCII and Unicode. In digital data memory, storage, processing, and communications, the 0 and 1 values are sometimes called “low” and “high”, respectively.

Binary numbers look strange when they are written out directly. This is because the digits’ weight increases by powers of 2, rather than by powers of 10. In a digital numeral, the digit furthest to the right is the “ones” digit; the next digit to the left is the “twos” digit; next comes the “fours” digit, then the “eights” digit, then the “16s” digit, then the “32s” digit, and so on. The decimal equivalent of a binary number can be found by summing all the digits. For example, the binary 10101 is equivalent to the decimal 1+4 +16 = 21 :

Decimal = 2164 32 16 8 4 2 1
Binary = 10101 0 0 1 0 1 0 1

The numbers from decimal 0 through 15 in decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal form are listed below.

Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
2 10 2 2
3 11 3 3
4 100 4 4
5 101 5 5
6 110 6 6
7 111 7 7
8 1000 10 8
9 1001 11 9
10 1010 12 A
11 1011 13 B
12 1100 14 C
13 1101 15 D
14 1110 16 E
15 1111 17 F

Octal Numbers

In this case also the process is same as compared to hexadecimal and binary system. only difference to the other system is here the base is 8. Hexadecimal Numbers.

So far we have discussed about binary and decimal numbers, now we will discuss about Hexadecimal numbers.

Hexadecimal numbers are extensively used in microprocessor work. To begin with, they are much shorter than binary numbers. This makes them easy to write. Furthermore, you can easily convert them to binary form whenever necessary.

The hexadecimal number system has a base of 16. This means that it has 16 digits, it represents all numbers.

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